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Shimon Peres Wikipedia ~ Early life Shimon Peres was born Szymon Perski on 1 August 1923 in Wiszniew Poland now Vishnyeva Belarus to Yitzhak 1896–1962 and Sara 1905–1969 née Meltzer Perski The family spoke Hebrew Yiddish and Russian at home and Peres learned Polish at school He then learned to speak English and French His father was a wealthy timber merchant later branching out into other
Shimon Peres prime minister and president of Israel ~ Shimon Peres Polishborn Israeli statesman who served as both prime minister 1984–86 and 1995–96 and president 2007–14 of Israel and as leader of the Israel Labour Party 1977–92 1995–97 and 2003–05 In 1993 in his role as Israeli foreign minister Peres helped negotiate a peace accord
Shimon Peres Simple English Wikipedia the free encyclopedia ~ Shimon Peres Hebrew שמעון פרס born Szymon Perski 2 August 1923 – 28 September 2016 was a Polishborn Israeli statesman He was the President of the State of Israel Peres served twice as the Prime Minister of Israel He also served as Interim Prime Minister twice Peres has been a member of 12 cabinets
Shimon Peres Biography Childhood Life Achievements ~ Shimon Peres was a former Prime Minister and President of Israel This biography provides detailed information about his childhood life achievements works timeline
Shimon Peres Biography Life Interesting Facts ~ Early Years And Education Shimon Peres was born Szymon Perski on 22nd March 1931 to Yitzhak and SaraPerski Peres’ father was a timber merchant and his mother was a librarian His parents were quite wealthy and his father began dealing in other commodities once the timber business became so successful
Shimon Peres ~ Shimon Peres was one of Israel’s longest serving and most distinguished politicians He was the first person to have served as both Prime Minister and President of the Jewish State Peres was born on August 2 1923 in Wieniawa Poland now Vishniev in Belarus and immigrated to Mandatory Palestine with his family at
Shimon Peres Biographical ~ Shimon Peres Biographical S himon Peres Labour Minister of Foreign Affairs was born in Poland in 1923 and immigrated with his family as a child He studied at the Ben Shemen Agricultural School and was one of the founders of Kibbutz Alumot in the Jordan Valley
Shimon Peres The Biography Michael BarZohar ~ Shimon Peres The Biography Michael BarZohar on FREE shipping on qualifying offers Twice Israel’s prime minister winner of the Nobel Peace Prize bold leader in a wartorn region
Presidency of Shimon Peres Wikipedia ~ The Presidency of Shimon Peres the ninth President of Israel began after the 2007 Israeli presidential election on 13 June 2007 in which Peres defeated Reuven Rivlin and Colette Avital Peres was sworn in as President on 15 July 2007 At the age of 90 Peres was the worlds oldest head of state
Peres Wikipedia ~ Peres is a Portuguese Galician and Sephardic surname In the Hungarian language it means litigant peres fél It is common in both forms Peres and Perez as well as Peretz among descendants of Sephardi Jews in Puerto Rico In Hebrew פרס it is the name of the bird species Gypaetus barbatus lammergeierHowever Peres Perez and Peretz are the transliteration of the Hebrew
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