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Date : 2011-08-12
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Tramway Titan Martin J Wells 9781412050937 ~ Tramway TitanByron Riblet Wire Rope and Western Resource Towns Byron Riblet is probably one of North Americas least known inventors which is a pity as he pioneered the use of reliable mining cableways fi rst in British Columbia and eventually around the world
Tram Titan For Sale Rare Antique Collectible Store ~ Tram Titan Tram Titan Ii 2 Complete Primo Tube Set 6gk6 All Receiver Transmitter Tubes 9997
Tram Titan The Old Tube Radio Archives ~ Tram Titan Titan I was all steel all tube chassis AM only with great transmit and receive Collins mechanical filter in front end
Whats a TRAM Titan II CB ~ The Tram Titan II was manufactured around 1969 and was an AM and SSB rig It used a 6gm5 as an AM modulator and SSB Audio power amplifier and 6GK6 as the power amp The radio had 15 tubes Much like the Regency Sideband t was Doublesideband reduced suppressed carrier
Tram Titan II Base Station CB Transceiver ~ Tram Titan II Base Station CB Transceiver Vintage 23channel CB transceiver made between 1967 and 1969 by the Tram Corporation Winnisquam NH 03209 Special features include ± 1 kHz tuning of RXfrequencies and Double Side Band DSB operation
Tram Titan IV CB Radio Transceiver eBay ~ Tram Titan IV CB Radio Transceiver as shown Case and face show wear scratches nicks imperfections etc Even so item appears decent cosmetically for a used piece of gear I’ve included pictures of internal electronics for you to be the judge of Turns on but nothing can be heard from speaker
Tram Titan II Old Radio Night 4 16 16 ~ White Dog 92 Crazy Man Talking on different radios I am using a Tram Titan II with the 6GM5 larger tube with a Turner CS1 Custom Special Gold power mic
expanding channels on a Tram Titan II Grumpys Olde Time ~ have a Tram Titan II and want to expand the channels above ch23 dont really need below ch1 or above 40 this radio talks so well on SSB and nobody talks ssb on 161718 anymore is there a vfo or a crystal mod if i could only get 33 thru 40 that would be fine a few local guys i talk to talk AM 3335
Tram Electronics Tram Diamond Corp Radio Index ~ Disclaimer Although the greatest care has been taken while compiling these documents we cannot guarantee that the instructions will work on every radio presented
Copper Talk I need a tube diagram for a tram titan 2 ~ Tram Titan II 15 Tube Channels Input 0 Transmit 115VAC Sams Photofact CB24 Page 113 Tube Use Type Note 1 RF Amp 6BQ7 2 1st Rec Mixer Osc 6BK7 3 2ndec Mixer Osc 6BK7 4 1st IF Amp 6BA6 5 2nd SB IF Amp 6BA6 6 Product Det 6BA7 7 2nd AMP IF Amp AGC 6EQ7 8 Detector ANL 6AL5 9 Squelch Amp AF Amp 12AX7
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