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Date : 2012-10-30
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Hallo Sausages The Lyrics of Ian Dury by Ian Dury ~ Comes with an exclusive CD of previously unreleased material Sex and drugs and rock and rollIs all my brain and body needSex and drugs and rock and rollIs very good indeed Famous for his funny provocative visceral lyrics Ian Dury was a rockandroll poet and legendary force on the London music scene from 1970 onwards
Hallo Sausages The Lyrics of Ian Dury ~ Comes with an exclusive CD of previously unreleased material Sex and drugs and rock and rollIs all my brain and body needSex and drugs and rock and rollIs very good indeed Famous for his funny provocative visceral lyrics Ian Dury was a rockandroll poet and legendary force on the London music scene from 1970 onwards
Hallo Sausages The Lyrics of Ian Dury Jemima Dury ~ About Hallo Sausages Comes with an exclusive CD of previously unreleased material Sex and drugs and rock and rollIs all my brain and body needSex and drugs and rock and rollIs very good indeed Famous for his funny provocative visceral lyrics Ian Dury was a rockandroll poet and legendary force on the London music scene from 1970 onwards In the course of his unstoppably creative career
‘Hallo Sausages’ The Lyrics of Ian Dury ~ ‘Hallo Sausages’ The Lyrics of Ian Dury In the year he would have celebrated his 70 th Birthday Jemima Dury daughter of musician Ian Dury has published a book of 160 of her father’s song lyrics Titled ‘Hallo Sausages’ the first and only words written for his autobiography the book also includes a personal history of his life a spectrum of personal photos and illustrations
Hallo Sausages The Lyrics of Ian Dury ~ Hallo Sausages is arranged chronologically the six chapters cover every phase in Ian Durys career from his early days in the seventies right up to his death in 2000 Each chapter is introduced by Jemima who paints a warm insightful and humorous portrait of the man behind the outrageous words
Hallo sausages the lyrics of Ian Dury Book 2012 ~ Here for the first time are Ian Durys collected lyrics not only material that was released but also material that has been gathered by his daughter Jemima from old demos song fragments and other sources that until now have remained hidden
The Royal Noble Overlord Of Amazing Phrasing Ian Durys ~ Music writer and biographer Zoë Howe discusses the bittersweet nature of Jemima Durys Hallo Sausages a selection of her fathers lyrics and his final posthumous contribution to a celebrated career Hallo Sausages is titled thus in tribute to the only two words Ian Dury wrote in a Word document
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Hallo Sausages Hardcover Books Online Raru ~ Hallo Sausages is arranged chronologically the six chapters cover every phase in Ian Durys career from his early days in the seventies right up to his death in 2000 Each chapter is introduced by Jemima who paints a warm insightful and humorous portrait of the man behind the outrageous words
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