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Date : 2012-11-01
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Snail Mail My Email Handwritten Letters in a Digital ~ An addictive and artful window into everyday lives Snail Mail My Email is a collection of the most memorable letters and moments from the project and a reminder of the power of personal connection in a digital world
Snail Mail My Email Handwritten Letters in a Digital World ~ Snail Mail My Email Handwritten Letters in a Digital World Feeling nostalgic for the almost forgotten written letter author and former ad man Ivan Cash fell upon a simple idea he invited anyone in the world to send him an email and hed write it out in a letter and mail it for free
Snail Mail My Email Handwritten Letters in a Digital ~ As requests poured in Cash enlisted an international army of volunteers who helped create more than 10000 letters sent all over the globe An addictive and artful window into everyday lives Snail Mail My Email is a collection of the most memorable letters and moments from the project and a reminder of the power of personal connection in a digital world
Snail Mail My Email by Ivan Cash · OverDrive Rakuten ~ As requests poured in Cash enlisted an international army of volunteers who helped create more than 10000 letters sent all over the globe An addictive and artful window into everyday lives Snail Mail My Email is a collection of the most memorable letters and moments from the project and a reminder of the power of personal connection in a digital world
Snail Mail My Email – Free Handwritten Letters in a ~ The Snail Mail My Email project aims to reignite the lost art of letter writing reminding us of the power of personal connection in a digital world If you want to send a handwritten letter simply by sending an email for free then visit before November 18 2013
Snail Mail My Email Handwritten Letters in a Digital World ~ Snail Mail My Email Handwritten Letters in a Digital World Ivan Cash Feeling nostalgic for the almost forgotten written letter author and former ad man Ivan Cash fell upon a simple idea he invited anyone in the world to send him an email and hed write it out in a
Snail Mail My Email ~ Snail Mail My Email is a worldwide community art project where volunteers handwrite strangers emails and send physical letters to the intended recipients free of charge The project retired in 2017 Over the course of six years 2000 volunteers artistically interpreted and collectively sent 29249 letters across the world
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Snail mail my email handwritten letters in a digital ~ Ivan Cash invited anyone in the world to send him a 100 word email and in return he would illustrate it into a letter and mail it for free Snail Mail My Email is a collection of the most memorable letters and moments from the project and a reminder of the power of personal connection in a world of instant communication
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