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Date : 2003-09-16
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What Ive Always Known Living in Full Awareness of the ~ Achievement of higher realms of awareness requires ongoing physical engagement knowing mother earth requires exhausting climbs to power spots preparation for important events entails grueling rituals obtaining selfinsight demands extraordinary trust in ones future and profound soul searching
What Ive Always Known Living in Full Awareness of the ~ Achievement of higher realms of awareness requires ongoing physical engagement knowing mother earth requires exhausting climbs to power spots preparation for important events entails grueling rituals obtaining selfinsight demands extraordinary trust in ones future and profound soul searching
What Ive Always Known Living in Full Awareness of the ~ What Ive Always Known Living in Full Awareness of the Earth “There’s a war going on A war against the earth against mother earth I wonder whose side you on” So says Clayton Tommy Salish teacher and mentor to Tom Harmer his apprentice in the old ways of the native peoples of the American Northwest and the even more ancient ways of nature
How can I be on a spiritual path in this COSMIC LIVING ~ And you might conclude that you are living in a world of purely material substance It is easy to see only the material substance of people and situations However this is only the surface appearance Underneath the surface there is the rich depth of spiritual consciousness that lives
Living Humanist Values The Ten Commitments ~ Global Awareness We live in a world that is rich in cultural social and individual diversity—a world with rapidly increasing interdependence As a result events anywhere are more likely to have consequences everywhere Global awareness broadens our knowledge of cultures and perspectives that are outside of our own experience
Earthen Spirituality « Living within a living loving planet ~ All humans are equal centers of awareness of the Universe and nature and all deserve a life of equal dignity and mutual respect To this end we support and work towards freedom democracy justice and nondiscrimination and a world community based on peace sustainable ways of life full respect for human rights and an end to poverty
Is Earth a Living Organism Astrobiology Magazine ~ A new discovery may help answer the question is the planet Earth really a giant living organism The research focuses on interactions between ocean organisms atmosphere and land
The smell of rain Unimed Living ~ When it rains especially after a long dry spell the earth releases a fragrance This smell of rain is a real physical thing that is measured by scientists and even has a scientific name ‘petrichor’ The word petrichor means literally ‘blood from a stone’ It comes from the Greek ‘petra’ stone and ‘ichor’ which
Do You Fear Dieing And Not Having Lived Your Best Life ~ You are always living your very best life as determined by your level of awareness consciousness your vibration And everytime you open to a new awareness have an ah ha and take action on that realization you raise your vibration and expand You expand into the next experience of living your very best life
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