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Date : 2001-03-01
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Rating : 5.0
Reviews : 1
Category : Book

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Sensei Definition of Sensei by MerriamWebster ~ Sensei definition is a teacher or instructor usually of Japanese martial arts such as karate or judo
Sensei │ Guiding you towards greater wellbeing ~ Our ecosystem of products and experiences is designed with one intention to empower you to grow well Evidenceled radically transparent and always enriching
Sensei Wikipedia ~ Sensei Sinsang SonsaengSeonsaeng equivalent in Korean or Xiansheng 先生 is an honorific term shared in Chinese Korean and Japanese honorifics that is translated as person born before another or one who comes before In general usage it is used with proper form after a persons name and means teacher the word is also used as a title to refer to or address other
Sensei The Next Generation Mac performance tool ~ Sensei is a utility for improving your Mac performance — with features for Cleaning Optimizing and Monitoring every aspect of your Mac
Urban Dictionary sensei ~ Used with masters of any profession Teachers scholars etc Can be added to the end of a name usually the surname or simply sensei in replacement of any name at all Not to be confused with someone who is of higher status than you in the school or workplace sempai
Adobe Sensei ~ Adobe Sensei provides intelligence for Adobe Experience Platform Adobe Sensei is the intelligence layer for Adobe Experience Platform By automating mundane or repetitive tasks and understanding and predicting customer data Adobe Sensei provides experience intelligence services that enhance your ability through Adobe Experience Platform to power realtime personalized customer experiences
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